484.--;- d--~ Kindl.y artíoulate convinoing explanationa in reetrd tMghly seleotive motives that compelled manyg to9many flying saucera to hover again and'.aga¡n above the following ahosen and:tipified terrestrial pla-cest A#- Reservoirsp damoy rivers and lak-es. Bo- Home water deposits. o- Cemeteries. De- Hospitals, E*- Universitiesp sohools and@aol;, -,mic centers. P.- ChildrerYsplaygrounds. Go- Rubbish dumpsy trash collectow, He- Herdo of aattle. I.- Gows andí, dairy fams. Jo- Barno and fenoes in country sites. K.- SPort5fíeldey tennis courts z;@,i-tdaspeoially golf courses. L.- Míníng deposita and installwLions. M.- Quarries. No- Uranium undergrOund reservese o*- Geologic faultS. Po- Buried histomic ruins. q.- . Hidden treasures. R,- Oíl and gas tanks and@pipes., S.- Oil wella and energy facilities. Te- Fower plants. U.- Hígh-tension eleotrio lineB. V.- Atomio factories. Xo- Nuclear ~ installations, Y-- Terraina for atomio-bombs tests. Z - Militaxy bases. UN -- Navy manoeuvR&s. AB. - Missilb launch *!/Pwving ground sites. AC.- Powder wagazinesp arsenals ancliammUnition depots. AD*- MicrOwavj towers and repeater television turrete. AE.- Rire sta¡¡ons. AF.- Físhpond narseries. AGo,- -Xrthquakes. AH.- coidente and natural catastrophes. -?epeatersO: frequent chosen witnesses: Children and:young Ipley Profescorng nurnesp Police agents9 fíre officials, aters an& fishers, campers, AJ.- Ailporte. AK.- Train tra